Help - Parameters
For each tools it is possible to modify many parameters: you may decide to set the metronome to 120 bpm, or speed up the execution of a scale.

Each parameter is visible in Pause Mode of related tools, and settable anytime: most important parameters will be stored into your phone for the next executions, using Save & Exit command to close the midlet.

Execution and Pause functions
The function of each key varies according to the state of the application:
If you are in execution time of the tuner tool, every key corresponds to a note (piano's 12 half-tones: keys 0-9, * and #), while if U put in break, U'll be able to set the volume, duration, loop and instrument type ... the 3 other features allows you to use commands in both pause and execute modes.

Details about various parameters are listed in the related tools section:

*Scales EnglishItaliano