Help - Metronome
It is a tool able to articulate the time with acoustic signals. Its natural regoulation is the time between each signal, misured in Beat Per Minute (BPM).

Another regoulation is the sound of the first signal each nn signal. You can set Tempo to 2/, 3/4, 4/4 and so on, to obtain a different beep each 2, 3, 4 .. signal..

Beat Per Minute: 60 bpm means one tic per secon; 240 bpm means 4 tic per second.

2/4, 3/4, 4/4 ...
to hear a different tic for the first quarter.
i.e.: listening to 4/4...
TAC tic tic tic
TAC tic tic tic :-)

You can modulate the tonality of the 2 signals, varying its frequency in Hz. .

It is possible to hear the classic metronome click instead beeps signals (not for all phones).

*Modify Parameters EnglishItaliano